Thursday, August 7, 2008


Along with the Pontian Federation of Australia alternate president, Mr Panagiotis Jasonides and Victorian Member of the Legislative Council for Northern Metropolitan, Jenny Maikakos, the Panepirotic Federation participated in the Assyrian Australian Arts and Cultural Foundation's commemoration of Assyrian Martyr's day on 7 August 2008. From left: Panagiotis Jasonides, alternate president of the Pontian Federation of Australia, Kostas Kalymnios, Secretary of the Panepirotic Federation of Australia, Mr Sabri Atman, visiting genocide scholar from Holland, Jenny Mikakos MP and Father George Touma.

This day commemorates the massacres of innocent Assyrian civilians by reason only of their ethnicity and adherence to Christianity. Their plight can be paralleled in many respects with that of the Greeks of Northern Epirus.
In his address, Panepirotic Federation of Australia Secretary, Kostas Kalymnios, outlined the rocky road traversed by the Northern Epirots to liberty, as well as the challenges facing them today. Despite these, they persevere an it is this message of hope and triumph over adveristy that will hopefully inspire the belaugured Assyrians of Iraq to endure their persecution as temporary and not a permanent phenomenon.

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